Tuesday, April 26, 2011

An Adult Workout While You PLAY Like a Kid

Do you remember that feeling you got as a child as you rode your bike down the street or ran as fast as you could - freedom, exhileration and FUN!  Physical activity is crucial to a healthy lifestyle, yet as a adults we have decided that it is about as much fun as going to the dentist.  Not something want to do, but HAVE to do.  Your right, we do have to do it, but there is nothing that says it cannot be fun.

At lunch with a good friend yesterday, she said, "one of the best parts of having kids, was getting to act like a kid."  I think we need to focus on acting like kids a lot more.  This weekend we had the slip 'n slide and mini pool set-up in the backyard and my inner child could not contain herself.  Before I knew it, I was running and flinging my body onto the wet yellow plastic with reckless abandon.  It was so much fun that I had to do it a few more times before realizing that I already had bruises on my knees and I was going to be sore the next day.  Bruises and soreness aside, man it was so much fun!  My kids and nephews continued to slip 'n slide and jump in and out of the pool without noticing that they had been MOVING for hours.  That is the key - have so much FUN moving, that you don't realize that you are actually exercising!

We all ideally need to get MOVING for a hour a day, but there is nothing that says that you have to run on the boring treadmill or eliptical machine for a hour straight everyday.  In fact, short bursts of physical activity, such as running relay races, playing chase, or a vigorous game of hide-and-seek have proven to be just as good for you as moderate continuous exercise.  With all of the technology available for us today, it is easier and easier for us and our kids to sit in front of the tv, computer or video game instead of getting out and having some fun and getting physical.  This is a chance for you and your kids to have some fun and for you to set an example of what an active life looks and feels like.  So, come on let's get out and PLAY!

Slip 'n Slide
Flag football
Relay races
Game of tag or keep-away
Jumping rope
Silly obstacle course races
Bike riding in the neighborhood
Frisbee at the park
Hula Hoop
Dancing to your favorite tunes
Pushing trucks around in the backyard
Being a horse for your kids to ride on (hard on the knees but very fun)
Playing on the jungle gym (monkey bars, climbing wall, see-saw)
Night exploring walk
Building sand castles at the beach
Playing in the waves at the beach

Buiding a snowman
Digging tunnels in the snow
Sledding down hills (and walking back up)
Flag football
Silly obstacle course races
Game of tag or keep-away
Relay races
Dancing to your favorite tunes
Night exploring walks
Shoveling snow

Hopefully before or after this quick and easy dinner you can get out and PLAY a little before starting the bedtime routine.  This is just a basic recipe, your imagination is the only thing that will limit the variety of toppings for these pizzas.

Quick Veggie Pita Pizza
Servings:  4

4 Whole Grain Pitas
Bottled Marinara Sauce (low sugar, sodium and no High Fructose Corn Syrup)
Sweet Bell Pepper (any color) cut into thin strips
Button mushrooms, thinly sliced
Fresh baby spinach
Tomatoe, thinly sliced
1/2 cup Low-moisture, part-skim mozzerela cheese, shredded
1/4 cup Feta cheese, goat cheese or Parmesan cheese (optional)

Preheat oven to 425 degree F or grill to about 350 degrees F.  On each pita bread, spoon on some marinara sauce and spread, leaving about an inch around the edge.  Add a layer of spinach leaves and then top with thinly sliced bell peppers, mushrooms, and tomatoes.  Top pizza with cheese and place on sheet pan in the oven or directly on the grill for 10 to 15 minutes until pita is crisp, vegetables tender and cheese is melted. 

If you are using larger vegetables like broccoli, caulifower, eggplant, onions, etc., brush them with olive oil or your favorite vinaigrette and roast, grill or saute briefly until tender before adding to pizza.  You could substitute pesto for the marinara sauce and use any type of vegetables, herbs, and cheese that you like.

This is a fun recipe to make with your kids.  Allow them to add their own sauce, choose from a variety of vegetables and top lightly with cheese.  They will be especially excited to eat it if they got to make it!

Here's to fresh, fast, and fantastic food!

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