Friday, September 30, 2011

Wonders of Water

Water - it is everywhere.  In fact it makes up the majority of the earth and of our bodies, yet most people have a very difficult time drinking enough water on any given day.  Why?  Well, probably the biggest problem is the endless supply of sodas, fruit juices, sports drinks, fancy coffee drinks, etc. that seem to be more easily accessed than clean refreshing water.  Many people started grabbing bottles of water and carrying them around and then came the information on how much trash was being created by all of those water bottles and even worse the cancer causing carcinogens found in the water from the plastic bottle.  Did you consciously or unconsciously stop carrying your water around again?  The bottom line, water is critical to every function of our bodies and in fact can help us have more energy and possibly lose weight.  So, if this is not motivation enough to find yourself a reusable water bottle and keep it close to you at all times, then I am not sure what is...

Drinking enough water helps you to feel fuller and ensures that you are not eating when dehydration is really the issue.  Replace calorie-laden beverages with water and you have gone one step further to stay slim.  Drinking more water also helps increase your metabolism, especially if you drink ice cold water.  Your body has to work to warm the water up, burning a few extra calories in the process.  If you find yourself starving in the middle of the afternoon, first ask yourself if you have had enough water during the day.  If you are still hungry after you have had a glass or two of water, then enjoy a healthy snack.

Dehydration makes your feel tired and sluggish.  If you are drained and depleted, get a pick-me-up with water.  Water helps the blood transport oxygen and other essential nutrients to your cells, and a well-hydrated heart does not have to work as hard to pump blood throughout your body.

70 to 80% of your brain tissue is water.  So it makes sense that if you are dehydrated, your body and your mind will be stressed.  To keep your stress level down, keep a glass of water at your desk or carry your bottle with you and sip regularly.  If you are feeling thirsty, you are already dehydrated.

Water helps lubricate joints and prevent muscle cramping.  Stay well hydrated so you can exercise longer and stronger without "hitting the wall".

When you are dehydrated, those fine lines and wrinkles are even deeper and your skin begins to sag more.  Water is nature's own beauty cream.  Water hydrates the skin cells and plumps them up, making your face look younger and less tired.  Water also flushes out impurities and improves circulation and blood flow, giving you a cleaner, clearer, and glowing complexion.

Water is essential to good digestion along side fiber.  It helps to dissolve waste particles and passes them smoothly through your digestive system.  If you are dehydrated, your body absorbs all of the water for more critical functions like blood flow, heart, and brain, leaving your colon dry and making it more difficult to pass waste.

The rate of painful kidney stones is rising in adults and children because we are not drinking enough water.  Water dilutes the salts and minerals in your urine that form the solid crystals known as kidney stones.  Kidney stones cannot form in diluted urine, so reduce your risk with plenty of water.

The recommended amount of water is generally eight 8oz. glasses (64 oz) of water a day.  However, if you exercise or sweat heavily you may need more.  You may need less if you drink other beverages.  However, I would temper that with make sure you are drinking something that is a water equivalent and not dehydrating you further.  Caffeine and alcohol dehydrate you, so you need to make sure you are drinking extra water in combination with these beverages.

Drinking enough water and enjoying water is an acquired taste and habit.  You will have to make a focused effort to keep water around you all the time and drink more of it.  Over time, you will recognize your thirst earlier and also begin to enjoy the refreshing flavor.  It may help you to drink more water if you flavor it with fresh lemon, lime, berries, or cucumber.  Another great tip to drink more water is to force yourself drink water during your meal instead of a soda, iced tea, etc.  We unconsciously drink a lot during a meal and this can either make or break your diet if you are choosing water over soda.  Fruits and vegetables are packed full of water; you can hydrate while you eat if you focus on adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet.

Resource:  "7 Wonders of Water" WebMD

Tonight we are having a quick and easy dinner because I have the main ingredients prepared and stored in the freezer.  I have taken some pulled roasted chicken and cooked brown rice out of the freezer and thawed it in the fridge.  A roasted chicken from the store would work great as well.  Each time you prepare rice, make a double or triple batch and freeze in one to two cup batches.  There are some many quick and easy dinners that you can toss together in minutes if you have some of the time consuming items already prepared.

Chicken Fried Rice
Servings:  4

2 T Coconut oil
4 Scallions, thinly sliced
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
1 1/2 T minced garlic
1 T minced ginger
1 cup roasted and pulled chicken
3 cups brown rice, cooked
4 oz. frozen green peas
2 T soy sauce or liquid aminos
1 t sesame oil

In a very large skillet or wok, heat 1 T of coconut oil until very hot.  Add the scallion whites and stir-fry about 30 seconds.  Add the beaten eggs and scramble until set; transfer to a bowl.  Add remaining 1 T of coconut oil, garlic, and ginger and stir-fry about 1 minute.  Add chicken and stir-fry about 45 seconds to heat through.  Stir in rice, peas, and soy sauce and stir-fry 2 minutes.  Add eggs back to the pan with sesame oil and toss well.  Top with scallion greens and serve with a side of broccoli that has been tossed with olive oil, a little soy sauce and freshly ground black pepper and roasted in the oven about 10 to 12 minutes.

Here's to fresh, fast, and fantastic food!

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