Thursday, May 5, 2011

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

It seems that it is possibly easier these days to know what to eat to be healthy than it is to be able to afford the food to be healthy.  And that is just if you are buying conventionally grown foods, much less if you have decided to go organic.  Over a 2-year period, a recent University of Washington study tracked the cost of "nutrient-dense" foods (foods high in vitamins and minerals and low in calories) and "energy-dense" foods (foods high in calories and low in vitamins and minerals - aka junk).*  The nutrient-dense foods rose in cost by almost 20% while the cost of junk food declined.  The study found that getting your average day's worth of 2,000 calories from the junk side costs $3.53, while getting your 2,000 calories' worth from nutrient-dense cuisine would cost $36.32.  Since the average American spends about $7.00 a day on food, you can see where the rise in obesity might come from.  The percentage of Americans' incomes spent on food has decreased dramatically over the last few years, the obesity rate has risen even more dramatically, as has the incidence of type 2 diabetes, an obesity-related disease.  Not surprising, the obesity rate has grown the most in the most impoverished sectors of society, further emphasizing the connection between the rising cost of nutrient-dense foods, the declining cost of junk food, and the rise in obesity rates.  It is easy to be tempted by the dark side - especially if your budget is shrinking more than your waistline.

All that being said, it is possible to eat healthy and still have some money left in your wallet.  Here are some tips for getting the most nutritional bang for your buck:

Eat Seasonally
Eating seasonally is not only more economical, but also the best way to get the most delicious fresh fruits and vegetables.  Thanks to supply and demand, when produce is in season the price plummets.  The fresh fruits and vegetables that are sold in the off-season are either shipped from faraway lands or produced in greenhouse factories and don't have nearly the rich flavors produced by Mother Nature.  When produce is in season, it is a great time to stock up, eat what you can, and freeze or can the rest.  A farmers' market is one of the best ways to know what is in season, buy what is in season, be more green, and save a little money doing it.

Frozen and Canned
Speaking of freezing and canning, these are great ways to meet your nutritional needs and save some money.  Frozen and canned foods are much cheaper and in some cases more nutritious.  Fruits and vegetables are usually preserved within hours of harvest, when they have their maximum vitamins and minerals.  Fresh fruits and vegetables can take days, or even weeks, to make the journey from the field to your table.  A pint of fresh off-season blueberries can cost more than $5.00 while a 1-pound bag of frozen blueberries can cost less than $3.00.  Any chef will tell you the virtues of canned tomatoes over fresh ones when making your favorite pasta sauce.  You just have to be wary of sodium and sugar content or high-calorie sauces or not-so-healthy ingredients in not-so-healthy amounts.

Shop Around
Check out the supermarket circulars that keep getting stuffed in your mailbox.  Every week, your supermarket advertises "loss leaders," including fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and fish.  They are of course trying to lure you into the store with the bargains that they don't make much money on and tempt you to buy extra high-profit stuff while you're there.  Stick to your list, fill your cart with the loss leaders, and save tons of money.  It is better to monitor sales than it is to clip coupons, because coupons generally apply to processed, less healthy foods, although you can sometimes find good coupons for canned and frozen produce.

Start Your Own Farm
If you have a yard, you can start growing your own vegetables and/or herbs.  There is tons of information available online to help you with what to plant and when.  Even if you don't have a yard, a container garden is a great place to start with tomatoes, peppers, and fresh herbs.

Plan Ahead
Take a little time each Sunday to plan your menu for the week using what is in season and what is on sale in the area.  One of the quickest ways for your budget to fall apart is to not have a plan or ingredients on hand for a healthy dinner and instead grab takeout or have food delivered - usually both unhealthy and expensive.  Just by planning ahead and not wasting money on spur-of-the-moment restaurant meals, you may find that you have a lot more money to spend at the grocery store, which means won't have to cut as many corners for the meals you prepare.

Tap Water
Instead of spending big money on bottles water, try switching to tap water.  Not only will it save you a lot of money, but by not shipping water from Fiji or Norway, you are reducing your carbon footprint.  If you are concerned about impurities or don't like the taste of your local tap water, consider getting a simple, relatively inexpensive filtration system - one that either attaches to the tap itself or is located in a separate pitcher.  Ounce for ounce, it will be cheaper than bottled, and just as good for you.

Resources:  "9 Ways to Eat Healthily (and Cheaply)" by Joe Wilkes

The bottom line, is that no matter how much you spend on healthy food, it will still be a bargain compared to the cost of treating lifestyle diseases like diabetes and heart disease, if you don't get focused on eating healthy.  If you are interested in learning more about the healthly choices available from your grocery store, contact me for a Grocery Store Tour.  You can do it individually or with a group of up to six people.

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Here's to fresh, fast, and fantastic food!

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